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More Wednesday

You should have seen Craig Fraedrich working with the musicians of this church! In the morning, Dave, Craig returned to Luz Divina to work further with young musicians, and Zoraya met with Pastor Mede's daughter Briana for training in puppets. We taught the musicians to play Herbie Hancock's "Canteloupe Island" as a way of introducing concepts around form and phrases (to make sure the whole band is in the same place every time a section of a song finishes and/or comes back around), which resulted in a memorable jam after worship that evening. Zoraya and Briana shared with each other stories of being called out of their comfort zones to serve as dedicated volunteers in children's and youth ministry. We've been very blessed on this trip to have people like Zoraya and Monique whose Spanish skills help us connect.

Construction that morning (running concurrently) was most definitely back on track and very productive. While I'm not sure we'll be putting up any skyscrapers in the near future, we have certainly become expert at tying rebar!

Wednesday afternoon was day 2 of VBS at Luz Divina. Today's craft was especially meaningful to our connection as it represented God's abiding presence with both our churches. It turns out that both Luz Divina and Abiding Presence (and Zoraya and Nathan's church in Texas) have the Dove representing the Holy Spirit as their symbol/logo. The children colored T-shirts during VBS with an outline of our AP dove derived from our logo and stained glass windows. We helped them write Bible verses and their names on the back, and were surprised when at the end they started running around to each of the team members asking for our autographs on the backs of their shirts. Hopefully these shirts will help keep them warm on cool nights and help remind them of the one God (whom they heard about in the Bible story) who loves them very much.


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